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Station communication and master controller Cabinet



Provides communication with subordinate devices and subsystems, preliminary processing, storage and transmission of data to SAS Server, command transmission to subordinate devices, control and diagnostics of subordinate devices.

The Station communication and master controller cabinet may be provided with sensor screen for indication of current data and backup control of communication devices.

The cabinet collects all the analog and digital data, oscillographic information from microprocessor RPA devices and other lower level (field-mounted) devices using MODBUS/ IEC 60870-5-103/IEC 61850 protocols as well as transmission of data to SCADA SAS server via IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 61850 protocols.

The cabinet also functions as Telemechanics server (TM Server) with a possibility to transmit TM-related data to channel forming equipment up to 8 directions using Ethernet, up to 16 directions using RS485/422.



    • Ritall Construct (WхDхH; 600х600х2200; 800х600х2200);
    • Controller in industrial version (Celeron M, LAN-100Mbit, RAM-128MB,
    • Flash disk 128MB);
    • Interface boards RS485/422  Isolation, Surge Protection;
    • QNX Real-time operating system .






           Telemechanics Server Cabinet



Telemechanics Server  can be a separate construct or implemented in the same cabinet as the SAS server.

Telemechanics server provides collection of data pertaining to telemechanics (remote signalling, remote measurement, remote integral measurements) of states and operating conditions of controlled unit, additional logical processing of data, backup and transmission to channel forming equipment.

Telemechanics Server is implemented as two controllers - principal and stand-by, that independently gather all the data from SAS lower level microprocessor devices. After further processing the data about controlled unit status is transmitted from the principal controller to main communication channels, and from stand-by controller - to reserved communication channels.

There are also provisions for remote measurement and remote signalling system events logging and log backup on the telemechanics server.




  • Ritall Construct (WхDхH; 800х600х2200);
    •  Controller in industrial version (Celeron M, LAN-100Mbit, RAM-128MB, Flash disk 128 MB) - 2 шт.;

    •  Redundant power supply 220V=/220V≈;

    • APC UPS (optional);
    • Control keyboard, monitor and mouse
  • QNX Real-time operating system .












