IEC 61850 Server IEC 61850 server manufactured by LLC EnergyindustryAvtomatization allows testing of substation automation systems on the base of IEC 61850 standard without subordinate devices. To achieve this the required devices may be substituted with necessary number of IEC 61850 servers (emulators), where data about substituted devices is loaded as ICD files. Use of this instrument allows early detection of system errors, productivity bottlenecks and diagnostics of systems in operation.
Methods of testing for APCS hardware and software solution with the help of IEC 61850 server: 1) with large number of subordinate devices (over 50); 2) with different combinations of the devices, where devices from different manufacturers are emulated or different models from the same manufacturer; 3) with significant load, where intensive flow of discrete and analog data is created. Functioning of the driver during large-scale transmission of oscillogrammes in background mode required separate testing; 4) when subordinate devices malfunction. Features of IEC 61850 server manufactured by LLC EnergyindustryAvtomatization: 1) possibility of prolonged autonomous testing (testing using dedicated client's computer and IEC 61850 server); 2) possible adjustment of different IEC 61850 servers deployed at separate machines from a single workstation; 3) Web-interface for server adjustment; 4) possible check of subordinate devices interaction by GOOSE.
Features of IEC 61850 web-interface:
The following protocol functions are implemented in IEC 61850 server:
IEC 61850 server WEB interface