SAS software and hardware solution for power facilities developed by LLC EnergyindustryAvtomatization is structured as a hierarchical distributed system operating simultaneously with the technological process, provided with means for control, acquisition, processing, indication, logging, storage and transmission of data. Standard three-level architecture is assumed for hardware and software solutions.


Lower (field) level has all the devices directly connected to the controlled facility. They provide collection of data and issue of control commands.

  • Microprocessor devices – bay control units, digital instruments, MP RPA devices, fault locators, fault recorders, Emergency Automatics (EA) devices;
  •  RTUs;
  • Operative interlocking of disconnectors (OID);
  • Standard field (industrial) networks – for communication between the lower level devices and middle level equipment.


The Middle Level is formed by equipment thet concentrate, process and transmit data from subordinate devices to the top level and vice versa, as well as synchro-devices for subordinate lower level devices.

Station communication and master controller – software and hardware solutions providing communication with devices and subsystems of the lower level, pre-processing, interim backup and transmission of data to the top level for devices lacking Ethernet support;

Common-timing system (CTS) – the system built as a separate hardware complex using a GPS system as an external source of synchronization; the GPS system includes a sattelite antenna, receiver and communication cable.

Mid-level Local area network:

  • Built with fiber optic cable as well as with electric shielded network cable(twisted pair) with RS485 (RS232) interface; 
  • Redundant and non-redundant; 
  • Ring or star topologies are possible; 
  • Uses international data exchange protocols (TCP/IP, Ethernet, 10/100 Mbit/sec). 


The Upper level includes equipment for centralized storage and presentation of data as well as automated workstations for operators and engineering personnel.

SAS server  is a redundant/non-redundant database server where all the data on mode of operation of the power facility is collected;

Telemechanics Server (TMS) is implemented as software and hardware solutions providing collection of data from middle-level equipment of SAS by means of IEC 60870-5-104 protocol and transmission of the data to the upper level (Regional Dispatching Office, operational dispatch management, bulk power systems) using IEC 60870-5-104 protocol for the main channel and IEC 60870-5-101 protocol for redundant channel;

Automated Workstations. Location and purpose of the automated workstations is defined by a substation's requirements and depends of local network topology of the power facility.