NPT Platform
NPT Platform – software platform for creating enterprise applications developed in the Russian group of companies ''EnergopromAvtomatizatciya''.
NPT Platform allows how to create information systems for automating the production activities of enterprises in the energy, oil and other industries based on a common information model (CIM), for automatic collection and processing of data from microprocessor devices and analysis of collected data using flexible logic tools.
The platform comprehensively automates the business processes of the enterprise, adapting to the needs of a particular customer, while ensuring the storage, cataloging and use of equipment data in a universal format. The implementation of this system, due to automatic data collection and analysis, allows how to optimize the work of employees, quickly identify problems in the equipment at an early stage and switch to maintenance of the equipment according to its actual state.
• Cross-platform: server software supports Linux and Windows. As client software, a standard web browser is used with any modern OS.

- Universal data storage format: the system uses the IEC 61970/61968 CIM common information model format for data storage.
- Сonvenient access: opportunity of remote access via web-interface from various, including portable devices.
- Flexible interface settings: the ability to create and edit menu items, tabular forms and other interface elements through the display editor.
- Scalability: the system involves working with “Big Data” and has unlimited horizontal scaling capabilities through the use of a distributed database.
- Modular structure: the platform provides the ability to add new functionality and modernize existing without changing the architecture due to the modular design.
- Security: the use of SSL-encryption, HTTPS protocol for data exchange, authentication and authorization of users provide information security data.

- Integration with related information systems: storing and exporting data in a unified format based on the common CIM information model (IEC 61968/61970) provides the ability to integrate with existing and newly created related information systems.
- Open architecture: development of services and applications can be carried out including by third-party companies.
- Logical data processing: the system allows data processing using the universal language ECMA Script 5 (JavaScript) and specialized libraries that are part of the platform.
- Advanced visualization: the system has powerful tools for visualizing processes and allows you to create, edit and analyze waveforms of emergency processes, Gantt charts, etc. in the web interface without installing additional software.

- Formation and maintenance of a register of equipment with cyclic assessment and monitoring of technical condition.
- Document management with version control and automation of processes related to monitoring compliance with regulatory documents.

- Registration and analysis of equipment malfunctions and failures with personnel alerts.
- Management of work on metrological control, maintenance and repair, diagnostics and other types of work with the implementation of periodic and unscheduled maintenance, as well as equipment maintenance according to its condition.
- Automated formation and maintenance of work plans and schedules, determination of labor and material consumption of work, monitoring of implementation.

- Formation of analytical information (calculation of key performance indicators, journaling, reporting).
- Automation of processes associated with the performance of work by maintenance personnel.
- Registration of users in the system with the ability to assign roles and select the level of access to objects.

- Management of organizational activities with maintaining data on the hierarchy of the organizational structure, viewing information about employees, preparing proposals for advanced training of specialists.
- Analysis of statistical information with its display in graphical form and unloading in the form of reporting documents.
