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EnergopromAvtomatizatсiya LLC Participates in the Unified Presentation Day Held by Lenenergo OJSC  06.12.2013 06:53

EnergopromAvtomatizatсiya LLC took part in the Unified Presentation Day held by Lenenergo OJSC. Employees of the company presented two reports: “Automation Solutions at Facilities of Distribution Networks” and “Innovative Solutions at Digital Substations of Distribution Networks.” The reports attracted great interest from customers and other members of the Unified Presentation Day.

EnergopromAvtomatizatсiya LLC and IDS GmbH (Germany) Sign a Memorandum of Cooperation  09.11.2013 06:49

On November 8, 2013, the management of EnergopromAvtomatizatsiya LLC and IDS GmbH (Germany) signed a memorandum of cooperation. The Parties have formalized collaborative agreements within the scope of implementation of automation solutions and dispatching as well as that of development of joint innovative products with the use of Smart Grid, Digital Substation and Smart City technologies.



EnergopromAvtomatizatсiya LLC Participates in the UpGrid 2013 International Forum  06.11.2013 06:45

From October 29 to October 31, Crocus Expo IEC hosted the UPGrid International Energy Forum “Power-Supply Network Complex. Innovations. Development” where EnergopromAvtomatizatsiya LLC presented its high-tech products.


EnergopromAvtomatizatsiya LLC in Finland  16.10.2013 06:41

On October 10-11, 2013, there was a meeting of the management of EnergopromAvtomatizatсiya LLC and the heads of large electrical networks operators of Finland FinGrid (Helsinki) and Kymenlaakso Sähkö (Kotka) on cooperation in development and implementation of innovative technologies for electrical energy industry.

Supply of Equipment: a Step Towards Implementation  20.09.2013 06:38

On September 12, 2013, EnergopromAvtomatizatсiya LLC supplied equipment for Vasilyeostrovskaya 330 kV substation under the title: “Construction of Vasilyeostrovskaya 330 kV substation from 330 kV cable line Vasilyeostrovskaya - North, 330 kV cable line Vasilyeostrovskaya - Plant Illyicha in St. Petersburg.”

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