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2nd variant -  on the base of  RTU NPT 3010


for power facilities 35kV - 220kV





Lower level: Satec PM130EH transducers, modular process interface units.


Functions: Acquisition of analog and digital signals from cells and bays, automation control, interlocking, polling of RP and EA devices, auxiliaries board controllers, direct-current boards, etc.


The middle level includes: station communication and master controller


Functions: querying of process interface units, Satec transducers, data processing and its transmission to upper levels.


The top level includes: SAS server, Telemechanics server, automated workstations for operational personnel, RPA workstation, SAS workstation.


Functions: processing, display, archiving, transmission of data.


For power facilities with Voltage Grade 110 kV, managed by JSC IDGC HOLDING, its structural subdivisions, generation companies, as well as for industrial facilities we offer a variant of APCS/DARS on the base of RTU and Satec multifunctional instrument transducers.

Process interface units provide collection of analog and digital signals, issue of control commands and realize of interlocking. Also the process interface units functions as collecting and pre-processing units for data from microprocessor protection and automation device, energy meters and other microprocessor devices.

Satec multifunctional measuring devices may be used as means for collections of signals from CT/VT, technical and commercial metering and fault recorders.




RTU NPT 3010





The  RTU NPT 3010 process interface unit is realized as a Eurocard crate 6 or 3 units high. Up to 14 modules can be installed into the crate.

Module's features include I/O devices for analog and discrete data. All the modules were developed bearing the acting regulations in mind and provide galvanic separation of circuits and immunity to noise. Modules are provided with internal microprocessor for initial inputs query and signals transmission to the functional control.

RTU NPT 3010 collectis data from equipment, processes it and transmits it to the communication and master controller.

Time synchronisation in the modules is realized by data channel and by  PPS  signal from a GPS receiver. Precision of Event correlation with astronomic time is 1 ms.




RTU NPT 3010 I/O boards features

Hot swapping compatible I/O modules. I/O channels may be made redundant if double set of modules is installed into a crate.    


Discrete input module:

  • 32 inputs (4 groups of 8 signals);
  • event logging up to 1 ms precision;
  • modification for 220V/110V/60V input voltage.


Dry contact Input Module:

  • 32 inputs (4 groups of 8 signals);
  • event logging up to 1 ms precision;
  • 24V power supply from the modules.


Discrete control module:

  • 16 control channels with relay-controlled output;
  • false-alarm protection on a base of rigid logic;
  • relay output pin diagnostics.


Analog input module:

  • 16 channels 4-20mA


Advantages of a RTU NPT 3010-based solution:

  • it is possible to allocate RTUs (collection of remote signalling, measuring and control), station communication and master controller (data pre-processing and transmission to the upper level), interlocking in a single construct (cabinet);
  • it is possible to collect and process large volumes of data from a single device (up to  384 remote signals, 128 remote controls, 128 remote measurements), thus reducing number of cabinets at the power facility;
  • optimal combination of functionality and robustness of the SAS or Telemechanichs/DARS systems with the Client's financial capacity.